Email Marketing Campaigns

How Success Gets Personal

Custom Email

Send your message to readers who ask to receive your promotional advertising. Our lists are sponsored exclusively by YOU. No spamming! eMail campaigns can work to secure instant purchases and help to increase traffic to your website with links embedded in the page.
$2,500 per send per list

Product Showcase Email

Stretch your budget with a Product Showcase! A Product Showcase provides an electronic advertising vehicle for our professional advertisers to reach an eMail list in a cost effective manner. The Product Showcase is an opportunity for advertisers to pay for a portion of an eMail and maintain the high impact effectiveness that an eMail delivers.

A total of six (6) advertisers, each with an individual product to promote, combine to complete the Product Showcase. This is an effective, low-cost way to reach our targeted opt-in audience. Reach over 36,000 subscribers today!
From $1,500 per distribution

Email Marketing Stats

eNewsletter Subscribers:
eNewsletter Open Rate Avg.:
Engaged Marketing Partner List Subscribers:
22,000+ Email Marketing Campaign


Eric Vessels 740.417.3333 | Stephanie Papp 602.639.0530 | Adam Goldman 312.940.7504